The Hamilton Plan for the Kansas City Chiefs

How to Maximize the Value of the Current Roster and Recreate a Winner in 2013 This plan is constructed by Professor Timmy Hamilton who is an Economics Professor at Columbia College and Avila University. He is a die hard Chiefs fan who watches every minute of every game and has a balding scalp to prove it. Assumptions: The teams in the NFL draft function in an Oligopoly Market and Game Theory can help establish Nash Equilibrium. The Cheifs currently have the #1, #34, #63, #96, # 127, # 160, and #191 picks. The NFL Draft Value Chart below provides data on player value. Since this comes from the New England Patriots draft website and because Bill Belichick has a Masters in Economics, this is assumed to be built off of Historic Data and the values are a product of multiple regression analysis. It shows multiple functions and is linear in some rounds, a parabala in others and a set of logorithmic ...