An Easy to Read MUST HAVE Book for Anyone Going to College

Of course, I have to use my Blog as part of my shameless self-promotion to announce that I have completed my book, Good Grades in No Time.

Yep, this is a book that cuts through the fluff and provides quick easy solutions for the common problems most college students face.  In fact,   I would like to give you the top 10 reasons you should consider buying this or pushing a friend to buy it on Kindle.

1. This book only costs 8 bucks compared to the others cost three times more.

2. I need the money more that the big book publishers. Their editorial staff fills up an entire office building whereas my editor carries a laptop and hangs out at a coffee shop.

3. At some point in college you will have to take a test and this book guides you to do better no matter what the subject is.

4. This book gives you tips on how to do well in online classes, the others don’t.

5. Secrets, secrets, secrets. The perspective is to give students an inside look at why instructors do the crazy things we do. When you know the secrets, you get better grades.

6. This book will help you get at least one better grade in at least one class. Face it, that’s worth way more than 8 bucks.

7. I have 17 years invested in this book with absolutely no intention of writing it.

8. There are no psychological tests or personality exams to take in this book.

9. You can access this book in class when you need it for an exam, a presentation or class project and it actually appears to your teacher that you’re studying.

10. Personally, wouldn’t you rather buy a book from a teacher that grades their own student’s papers, homework and tests.

Click here to preview or buy the book on Amazon Kindle.


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